Mario 1: - Here we are again at the mirror.
Mario 2: - Does it bother you?
M1: - Not at all; your wishes… you know…
M2: - Yes, I know, and you should remember…
M1: - Remember what?
M2: - That you live…
M1: - That I live thanks to you... that I am you...
M2: - Exactly.
M1: - How could I forget when you never stop reminding me?
M2: - That’s what I like to hear. Don’t play the victim; it doesn’t suit you.
M1: - By the way, you don’t look well.
M2: - Why do you say that?
M1: - No reason.
M2: - Go ahead, don’t hold back, or you’ll get unbearable.
M1: - Am I the only one who sees it?
M2: - Sees what?
M1: - Your eyes, your lips, you’ve got traces of…
M2: - Traces of what? I don’t know what you mean. I slept badly, that’s all.
M1: - Okay, okay, don’t get mad. I’m just saying what I see. You’re the one looking at yourself in the mirror.
M2: - I see what you’re implying. You actually wanted to say something else.
M1: - Something else, like what?
M2: - That I could throw everything away, that I’m no longer young, that I’m too old for games...
M1: - You said it, not me, but now that you mention it…
M2: - What are you insinuating? Sometimes, you drive me crazy.
M1: - Ugh, you’re so thin-skinned!
M2: - Yes, I agree with you there. The last razor I bought shaves too close; you can’t see my stubble.
M1: - Don’t smile; you know what I’m talking about.
M2: - You have no sense of humor. I’m going to have a drink.
M1: - Isn’t it a bit early? Oh… right, Sara isn’t here.
M2: - No, she left early. She went to see her parents and will probably stay there for the weekend.
M1: - So, out in the country with her parents and friends, I suppose. Sara spends more and more time away, don’t you think? Sweet freedom, dear.
M2: - You and your insinuations.
M1: - Besides, didn’t you shave last night?
M2: - Does it matter whether I did or not?
M1: - You’d know.
M2: - There you go with your suspicions. Sometimes you bore me. Don’t you have anything else to do? You’re like a leech.
M1: - I’m just saying…
M2: - That I’m a man, and men don’t…
M1: - That you could lose everything.
M2: - Sometimes I feel like I’m drowning. Don’t you see? You, of all people, should understand.
M1: - I only think of what’s best for you. What do you think the neighbors would say if they saw you leaving at such hours? Like that…
M2: - Like what? Go on, say it. Are you afraid?
M1: - Should I be? I only want the best for you. Have you thought about what would happen to Sara? How you’d leave her? And her family?
M2: - Yes, of course, I’ve thought about it. I think about her, her family, the neighbors, my work. Do you think I’d be here if I didn’t? But I wonder, who thinks about me?
M1: - I do.
M2: - Well, sometimes I want to break the mirror, just to shut you up for good.
M1: - And what’s stopping you? I only live inside you, remember? You just said it.
M2: - Yes, that’s true, I could do it. I could silence you forever.
M1: - And then, who would you talk to? Do you think Sara would understand? Do you think she’d sit there, listening?
M2: - I don’t know… she’s so good. I love her, sometimes shamefully, sometimes against my will. No, I can’t tell her; it would break her heart. She’s so young, so innocent…
M1: - Go on, have a drink, calm down, and wipe your tears; your mascara is running. By the way, is that dress new?
M2: - Sara bought it the other day.
M1: - I haven’t seen her wear it.
M2: - She hasn’t worn it yet.
M1: - Seems a bit big for her, doesn’t it?
M2: - Yes, it is a bit big.